Power+Systems - systems blindness and systems sight

Benjamin Taylor
07 April 2014

Power+Systems - systems blindness and systems sight

Benjamin will present an overview of the Power+Systems approach, developed by Barry Oshry over more than fifty years of experiential work and analysis with people in real life situations. The work helps to create ‘systems sight’ and help people to see the consistent and predictable patterns driven by human responses to the conditions of organisations – and to give people the potential to choose something different. Ben will give an overview of the approach, its application, and uses. Benjamin will be arriving from Denver where he is helping to design and facilitate the Power+Systems conference 2014, and Australia where he is helping to launch RedQuadrant Australasia.


Benjamin runs RedQuadrant, a network consultancy in the public sector, and is spending 2014 launching new offerings in new services and territories including RedQuadrant Australasia, Quadrant Orange (leadership and systems thinking), and Quadrant Resourcing (an agency). He has written and worked on systems thinking including an extended essay review in Action Learning and Practice – ‘The John Seddon Method for public sector transformation - self-enlightenment, coercion, or both?’