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The following article is an introduction to the design of megaproject organizations based on the viable system model. It combines approaches from project management with approaches from systems theory. The understanding of complexity and how it is effectively managed by the organizational code is a central theme. After referring to current research and a short introduction, the application is shown by using an example. The article shows how impor... Read more
Vortrag von Matvei Tobman, Chirung und Risikomanager im Krankenhaus. Nach einer kurzen Vorstellung des VSM als zentrale Struktur des Vortrags, werden verschiedene Führungsstrukturen und Tools des Krankenhausmana-gements (GF, Risikomanagement, QM, Controlling usw.) den VSM-Systemen zugeordnet. Besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf dem Zusammenspiel verschiedener Systeme sowie dem Einfluss von Umweltveränderungen wie Gesetzgebung, Änderungen der... Read more
Speakers: Anne Pender, University College Dublin; and Dr. Tadhg O’Mahoney,  Research Fellow at  Dublin City University Centre for Climate & Society, and an expert advisor at the Finland Futures Research Centre.
Viability beyond survivalIn deze sessie zal Jan samen met de deelnemers stilstaan bij vier vragen.(1) Is ‘survival’ het algemene doel van organisaties?Deze vraag is relevant, want ze stelt het waarom van organisaties ter discussie (of dat nu profit, not-for-profit of overheidsorganisaties zijn). Meestal wordt op de vraag naar het algemene doel van organisaties als antwoord gegeven: ‘survival’. Op basis van dit doel wordt dan de ‘viability’ van or... Read more
The talk will be in two sections, the first on the emerging organization of systems as they grow. The second will be on ways of a) leaving them alone or b) helping them steer. So far, science has given less attention to how nature works by itself, giving much more to how people can make rules for controlling it, and that seems to be a principal reason for our current global crisis. Part 1. The science. Natural systems emerge from some energizing... Read more
Systems Thinking Practitioner Apprenticeship – Level 7 Delivered by Cherith Simmons Leadership and Development in partnership with SCiO – Systems and Complexity in Organisation, the professional body for systems practitioners in the UK. The broadest and deepest master’s level systems thinking course available to apprentices in the UK. 100% UK Government funded through an employer’s apprenticeship levy; 95% funded without the levy.
Systems + Design + Data. Is this the formula to develop solutions that respond to the complex problems we face? Nur Karadeniz, in our second international session, will talk to us about how she uses systems thinking in the design process. Activate subtitles and automatic translation to see them in Spanish.
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The terms ‘Accident’ and ‘Incident’, while in general accepted usage, are not helpful to professional in-company investigators. The proposition is that it is more useful to consider such events as failures of ‘Human Activity Systems’. This methodology, Kelvin TOP-SET, was initially developed to give offshore oil managers a means of investigation that was relatively easy to learn and apply. Practical and reliable in its outcome it is now used in... Read more
This session presents how the reality of informal networks within organisations and across collaborating entities can be presented visually.  Also, using case study material, how these dynamic maps are able to generate insights that enable groups and teams to overcome challenges and realise opportunities that hitherto would be invisible to them. We hope this session will stimulate an interesting discussion, and aim to leave plenty of time ... Read more
RRP: £27.20  Paperback: ‎ 312 pp  Publisher: ‎ Routledge;   ISBN 978-1032354972  Sustainable Self-Governance in Businesses and Society offers a sound introduction to Stafford Beer’s Viable System Model (VSM) and clarifies its relevance to support organisational sustainability and self-governance. While the VSM has been known since the early 1980s, it hasn’t been always easy to understand and to apply. It explains the sel... Read more