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¿Por qué es relevante para la estrategia o el diseño organizacional? Permite identificar a las personas clave que pueden contribuir a mejorar el desempeño gracias a su influencia. Permite también identificar los vacíos estructurales que incrementan la fragilidad de la organización.
Video Presentation
El pensamiento sistémico es un marco de pensamiento teórico que no siempre es sencillo de llevar a la práctica (¡más bien al contrario!). En esta minicharla Eduardo mostrará la forma en la que trata de aplicarlo a su actividad profesional (consultoría para desarrollar proyectos y empresas más sostenibles y responsables), reflexionando sobre las cosas que le funcionan y las limitaciones que encuentra.
El pensamiento sistémico es una disciplina que trata de capturar y comprender la complejidad para poder intervenir en ella. Para ello explora las estructuras que componen la realidad, los elementos que intervienen en ella—con sus distintas propiedades y comportamientos, así como las interconexiones que se establecen entre estos elementos. Bajo esta visión sistémica: ¿Cómo podemos trabajar el futuro? ¿De qué formas el pensamiento sistémico aborda ... Read more
Saying, such as, “Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell who you are” or “Tell me who your enemy is, and I will tell you who you are” presume that a person's identity could be derived from the person's environment. Can the same be done for organizational identity? According to Patrick Hoverstadt, it can be done by exploiting the  concept of structural coupling that comes from biological cybernetic, more exactly from the works of Maturana... Read more
Video Presentation
Organisations are coming under increasing pressure to work sustainably, both environmentally and socially. That will require a process of more or less adaptation, involving varying degrees of organisational learning. But what needs to be learnt? The Viable System Model has the potential to be a very powerful way of identifying what people within organisations need to learn. Based on extensive research carried out in the course of writing his for... Read more
RRP: £10  Paperback: ‎ 228 pp  Publisher: ‎ Triarchy Press;   ISBN 1913743321   A guide and exploration for newcomers and experienced Systems Thinkers alike. In Thinking Systems Robin Asby explores Systems Thinking from a process perspective and shows how this perspective generates new insights, particularly into the problems that we face in the stewardship of our planet. It explains how a process-based approach allows us ... Read more
Residuality theory is a revolutionary new theory of software design that aims to make it easier to design software systems for complex business environments. Residuality theory models software systems as interconnected residues - an alternative to component and process modelling that uses applied complexity science to make managing uncertainty a fundamental part of the design process.
The Viable Systems Model is an elegant and profound intellectual achievement, but its practical impact and recognition is limited, at least in the world of business. In this talk Steve Morlidge will demonstrate how he has introduced cybernetic thinking into the design and description of innovative management practices to improve the regulation of organisational financial resources, specifically: Alternatives to traditional annual budgeting, Busin... Read more
To introduce practical approaches to developing a more effective organisational system through gaining visibility of the informal networks that exist within the organisation. Understanding how informal networks operate is crucial to understanding organisational behaviour and identifying levers for positive change. The use of graphical representations of those informal networks is a key to getting everyone engaged in change processes - ‘people do ... Read more
Systems architecture provides a framing for systems thinking. Systems architecture has long been considered as both an art and a science. The systems architect uses heuristics, stories, and models to communicate complex architectural concepts to stakeholders. Since the earliest times, master building architects have developed their skills broadly across the technical, business, and fine art domains. Principles and practices of systems architectur... Read more